Chicago river

What We Do?

We integrated cryptocurrencies into our firm to ensure ease of investment for our clients without the hassles of bank runs.


Since the emergence of Bitcoin, we have witnessed the rise of a global battle among monetary systems, both sovereign and non-sovereign. Solal believes cryptocurrencies governed by neutral, open source networks have the potential to win this battle.By unlocking a new mechanism to store and transfer value, cryptocurrencies have the opportunity to create an open foundation of strong assurances in wealth and monetary integrity.


The Investment Manager believes that cryptocurrency value and market share dynamics will be “power law distributed,” meaning that cryptocurrencies will capture the majority of value, and present impressive returns on the long run.

Investment Focus

Conventional fiat currencies are subject to multiple restrictions and risks. For example, banks are vulnerable to boom and bust cycles in the economy. Sometimes, these situations can end in bank runs and crashes, as has occurred numerous times in the past. This means that users are not really in control of their money. Cryptocurrency promises user autonomy because its price is not linked to specific government policies. This means that users and owners of the cryptocurrency are in control of their money.


As one of the world’s largest independent investment managers, our scale and resources make us a preferred partner to our clients.